Current issue

Issue 24
5 Articles

: Issue Views 371

Research articles

Meat Consumption, Cholesterol and Nutrition

Objective: In recent years, people pay more attention to their nutrition and pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet. Elevated blood cholesterol and serum lipids are one of the major health problems such as cardiovascular disorders. Today, the consumption of animal products and especially meat products; There is information about increased cholesterol in written [...]

Research articles

Antibiotic Residues in Food of Animal Origin

Objective: The role of animal proteins in balanced and adequate nutrition is extremely important. Illegal and uncontrolled use of antibiotics in animal husbandry poses a significant risk for safe of food of animal origin. In European Union countries, Turkey and many other countries, has brought restrictions on the use of antibiotics in livestock, their use [...]

Research articles

Chemical, Sensory and Antifungal Effect of the Blue-Green Algae Spirulina platensis on the Wheat Bread

Objective:In this study, the usage potential of Spirulina platensis powder in bread was investigated. Marerials and Methods: Various chemical, physicochemical, sensory and microbiological analyzes were carried out on bread obtained by adding Spirulina platensis powder in varying proportions (%0,1-0,5-1,0-3,0 by weight) to the dough. Result and Conclusion: According to sensory analysis results, bread added 0,1% [...]

Research articles

Comparison of HPLC, LC-MS / MS Methods with ELISA in Gluten Analysis

Objective: Cereals and products may cause disorder in some people due to the Gluten they contain. Celiac, one of these diseases, is a disease that occurs in the intestine as a result of consumption of wheat, rye, barley and sometimes oat products. The main cause of the disease is the sub-fraction of gluten protein called [...]

Research articles

The Effects of Different Malaxation Parameters Used in the Production of Olive Oil from Gemlik and Memecik Varieties on the Amount of Biophenol and Sensory Profile

Objective: Extra virgin olive oil is the basic and unique nutritient of Mediterneandiet. Extra virgin olive oil has a long storage time more than other vegetable oils. Antioxidation structure of Extra virgin olive oil is because of its fatty asit composition profile and amount of biophenol. Biophenols have possitive effect on coroner heart disease, some [...]