Method Validation of QuEChERS -LC MS/MS Method for Some Pesticide Residues in Honey

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Method Validation of QuEChERS -LC MS/MS Method for Some Pesticide Residues in Honey

Objective:Honey, made by honey bee, is one of the oldest known food in human history. The problem of pesticide residue in honey not only threatens human health, but also causes economic losses by decreasing the export potential of honey and causing losses in bee colonies. Pesticide residues can be found in honey either directly arising from applications inside the hive or indirectly as a result of spraying the plants used by bees to make nectar and honey. In this study, it was aimed to analyze and validate some pesticides using LC MS/MS technique based on SANTE / 11813/2019 document.

Materials and Methods: Determination of 70 pesticide residue levels in honey samples using the AOAC 2007.01 version of the QuEChERS method was performed by the LC-MS / MS multiple residue method. Calibration curves for each target pesticide residue were constructed in the range of 2,5 to 100,0 μg/kg (r2 ≥ 0,995).

Results: LOQ values of all pesticides were determined as 10,0 μg/kg, below the MRL determined by the European Commission (EC). The average recoveries for the selected 70 pesticides were between 70-120% and the calculated standard deviations (RSD) were determined as 20%. Expanded measurement uncertainties were also calculated below 50%.

Conclusion: As a result, the validation studies for all pesticides studied have met the conditions specified in the document SANTE/11813/2019. The widespread use of pesticide residue analysis in honey is very important to ensure consumers’ access to safe food.



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