Antibiotic Residues in Food of Animal Origin

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Antibiotic Residues in Food of Animal Origin

Objective: The role of animal proteins in balanced and adequate nutrition is extremely important. Illegal and
uncontrolled use of antibiotics in animal husbandry poses a significant risk for safe of food of animal origin. In
European Union countries, Turkey and many other countries, has brought restrictions on the use of antibiotics in
livestock, their use is restricted to certain conditions. When not used under controlled conditions, these drugs
accumulate in the organs of animals and can cause to residues in food of animal origin. Consumption of foods
containing antibiotic residues poses many risks for public health, especially antibiotic resistance. These risks
reveal the importance of monitoring food of animal origin in terms of antibiotic residues. Although many
methods can be used to detect antibiotic residues in food of animal origin, the safest of them are methods based on
the combination of chromatographic separation and spectrometric detection. The aim of this study is to review
information about the risks posed by antibiotic residues in food of animal origin, analysis methods, related
legislation and current methods published.

Results:In order to protect public health, monitoring of antibiotic residues in food of animal origin is mandatory.
The development of rapid, economic, practical, easy and reliable multi residue analysis methods for the
detection of residues will increase the effectiveness of residue monitoring studies.


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